A North American Pulications and Organizations we support...
Arran - the fire on the hearth at the center of the lavvu

Arran is the quarterly publication of the Sami of North America and Lappmarklag, by and for North American Sami Siida. Editors are Arden Johnson, Evelyn Ashford, with Casey Meshbesher as blog editor. Arran was started by Arden Johnson, and the late Mel Olsen in 1995. Arran contains articles and poetry contributed by Sami in North America and Sapmi. Their on-line archives contains a selection of full articles and excerpts from past issues.

You can vist Arran here.

Lavvu Coffee House - Always Love at the Lavvu...

The Lavvu Coffee House, is North America's only Sami-inspired/themed coffee shop located due west of the Dinkytown area of Minneapolis, Minnesota, on the corner of 35W off-ramp and Forth Street southeast. The Lavvu Coffee House specializes in northern Scandinavian foods, gifts and preserves and is a sit-down coffee shop with comfortable chairs and visually pleasing Sami-themed artwork.

The decor of the coffee house is a Sami-inspired, northern Scandinavian atmosphere, catering to the ex-patriot Sami and other Scandinavian ethnic communities in the Twin Cites area of Minnesota. It also has a standing lavvu within the shop, so the Coffee House also fungtions as a 'show room' - so that you could see a lavvu up close and personal...

You can vist their website at: Lavvu Coffee House here. Sami Siida of North America

The Sami Siida of North America is a loosely organized group of regional communities, primarily in Canada and the United States, who share the Sami (Saami) culture and heritage from northern Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula of Russia. This area, traditionally known as Sapmi or Samiland to the Sami, but also known as Lapland to outsiders. Individuals within the North American Siida are immigrants, descendants of immigrants, or are supporters of the Sami culture, although may not have any family lineage from Sápmi.

The North American Siida often performs educational shows, Sami community get-togethers, and related events over the course of the year, often with other Scandinavian events such as FinnFestUSA, American Swedish Institute, and the Norwegian-American Bygdelagenes Fellesraad [NABF]. Within the NABF, the Siida has a strong representative status as a separate Lag under that organization, under the Lapmark Lag.

You can vist their Facebook website at: Sami Siida of North America here.